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To submit a paper click on the sheet icon, edit the text in the window that will appear on this page. Then, at the bottom of the page, choose Section: "Themes" and the appropriate Category, and click on "Sauvegarder" to save it.

To submit a paper click on the sheet icon, edit the text in the window that will appear on this page. Then, at the bottom of the page, choose Section: "Themes" and the appropriate Category, and click on "Sauvegarder" to save it.

To submit a paper click on the sheet icon, edit the text in the window that will appear on this page. Then, at the bottom of the page, choose Section: "Themes" and the appropriate Category, and click on "Sauvegarder" to save it.

To submit a paper click on the sheet icon, edit the text in the window that will appear on this page. Then, at the bottom of the page, choose Section: "Themes" and the appropriate Category, and click on "Sauvegarder" to save it.

To submit a paper click on the sheet icon, edit the text in the window that will appear on this page. Then, at the bottom of the page, choose Section: "Themes" and the appropriate Category, and click on "Sauvegarder" to save it.

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